Home > Products > Agrochemical > Herbicide > Clopyralid


Chemical:  Clopyralid
Use category:  Herbicide
Content & formulation:
Clopyralid 95% TC
Clopyralid 30% SL  
Chemical Clopyralid
Structure Formula     
Common Name Clopyralid (BSI, ANSI, draft E-ISO, (m) draft F-ISO)
CAS No. 1702-17-6
CAS Name 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid
Molecular Formula C6H3Cl2NO2
Agrochemical Type Herbicide,pyridine compound
Mode of Action Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the leaves and roots, with translocation both acropetally and basipetally, and accumulation in meristematic tissue. Exhibits an auxin-type reaction. Acts on cell elongation and respiration
Characteristics and Uses Post-emergence control of many annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds of the families Polygonaceae, Compositae, Leguminosae, and Umbelliferae, in sugar beet, fodder beet, oilseed rape, maize, cereals, brassicas, onions, leeks, strawberries and flax (at 70-300 g a.e./ha), and in grassland and non-crop land (at 300-560 g a.e./ha). Provides particularly good control of creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense), perennial sow-thistle, coltsfoot, mayweeds, and Polygonum spp.
Clopyralid 95% TC
Appearance White powder
Content of a.i. ¡Ý95 %
Water ¡Ü0.5%
Acidity(as H2SO4) ¡Ü0.3%
Clopyralid 30% SL
Appearance Homogeneous liquid
Content of a.i. ¡Ý30%
pH ¡Ü0.5%
Persistent foam(1 min) ¡Ü0.3%

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