Home > Products > Agrochemical > Fungicide > Carboxin


Chemical: Carboxin
Use category :  Fungicide
Content & formulation:
Carboxin 98% TC
Carboxin 200g/L+Thiram 200g/LSC

Chemical Carboxin
Structure Formula
 Common Name Carboxin (BSI, E-ISO, ANSI); carboxine ((f) F-ISO); carbathiin (Canada); no name (Denmark, Germany)
 CAS No 5234-68-4
CAS Name 5,6-dihydro-2-methyl-N-phenyl-1,4-oxathiin-3-carboxamide
  Molecular Formula C12H13NO2S
Agrochemical Type Fungicide, benzimidazole
 Mode of Action Systemic fungicide. Inhibits mitochondrial function by disrupting complex II (succinate dehydrogenase) in the respiratory electron transport chain.
 Characteristics and Uses Seed treatment for control of smuts and bunts (particularly loose smut, Ustilago spp.), at 50-200 g/100 kg seed, on barley, wheat, and oats; seedling diseases (particularly Rhizoctonia spp.) of barley, wheat, oats, rice, cotton, peanuts, soya beans, vegetables, maize, sorghum, and other crops. The dimorphic forms do not differ in fungicidal activity.


Carboxin 98% TC
 Appearance White solid
Content of a.i. ¡Ý98%
Water ¡Ü0.5%
Acidity(as H2SO4)   ¡Ü0.3%  


Carboxin 200g/L+Thiram 200g/LSC
 Appearance Flowable suspension liquid
 Content of carboxin ¡Ý200g/L
 Content of thiram ¡Ü0.5%
Acidity(as H2SO4)   ¡Ý200g/L
Suspensibility of carboxim ¡Ý60%
Suspensibility of thiram ¡Ý60%
 pH 5~8


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