Home > Products > Agrochemical > Herbicide > Desmedipham


Chemical:  Desmedipham
Use category:  Herbicide
Content & formulation:
Desmedipham 71 g/L+Phenmedipham 91 g/L+Ethofumesate 112 g/L EC  
Chemical Desmedipham
Structure Formula     
Common Name Desmedipham (BSI, E-ISO, ANSI, WSSA)
CAS No. 13684-56-5
CAS Name Ethyl [3-[[(phenylamino)carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]carbamate
Molecular Formula C16H16N2O
Agrochemical Type Herbicide, bis-carbamate
Mode of Action Selective, systemic herbicide, absorbed through leaves with translocation primarily in the apoplast. Inhibits photosynthesis (photosystem II).
Characteristics and Uses Used post-emergence to control broad-leaved weeds, including Amaranthus retroflexus, in beet crops, in particular sugar beet. Usually sprayed in combination with phenmedipham and ethofumesate. Desmedipham acts through the leaves only, and does not depend on soil type and humidity under normal growing conditions. Due to its wide safety margin to the crop, spraying is merely timed according to the development stage of the weeds, with optimum weed control when they are at the cotyledon stage.
Desmedipham 71 g/L+Phenmedipham 91 g/L+Ethofumesate 112 g/L EC
Appearance Homogeneous liquid
Content of Desmedipham ¡Ý71g/L
Content of Phenmedipham ¡Ý91g/L
Content of Ethofumesate ¡Ý112g/L
Water ¡Ü0.4%
pH 5.0~9.0
Emulsion stability (as 0.5% aqueous solution) No sediment or cream observed.
Stability at 0¡æ The volume of solid and/or liquid which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml

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