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Chemical:  Bentazone
Use category:  Herbicide
Content & formulation:
Bentazone 95% TC
Bentazone 480 g/L SL
Chemical Bentazone
Structure Formula  
Common Name Bentazone(BSI, E-ISO, (f) F-ISO, ANSI, WSSA, JMAF)
CAS No. 25057-89-0
CAS Name 3-(1-methylethyl)-1H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide
Molecular Formula C10H12N2O3S
Agrochemical Type Herbicide, benzothiazinone
Mode of Action Selective contact herbicide, absorbed mainly by the foliage, with very little translocation, but also absorbed by the roots, with translocation acropetally in the xylem.
Characteristics and Uses A contact herbicide controlling Anthemis, Chamomilla and Matricaria spp., Chrysanthemum segetum, Galium aparine, Lapsana communis and Stellaria media in winter and spring cereals, at 1.0-2.2 kg/ha. Other crops include peanuts, maize, peas, Phaseolus beans, rice (Cyperus difformis, C. esculentus, C. serotinus, Monochoria vaginalis, Sagittaria pygmaea, S. sagittifolia, Alisma and Commelina spp., Scirpus maritimus and S. mucronatus) and soya beans (Abutilon theophrasti, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Cyperus esculentus, Datura stramonium, Helianthus spp., Polygonum spp., Portulaca spp., Sida spinosa, Ambrosia spp., Sinapis arvensis and Xanthium spp.).
Bentazone 95% TC
Appearance Ochre-yellow solid
Content of a.i. ¡Ý95 %
Water ¡Ü0.5%
Acidity(as H2SO4) ¡Ü0.3%
Bentazone 480 g/L SL
Appearance Clear straw yellow liquid
Content of a.i. ¡Ý480g/L
pH 6.5~9.5
Persistent foam(1 min) ¡Ü25 ml
Solution stability No color change; Sediment maxium: trace; Solid particles: pass throug 45¦Ìm sieve
Stability at 0¡æ The volume of solid and/or liquid which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml.

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