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Copper hydroxide

Chemical: Copper hydroxide
Use category :  Fungicide
Content & formulation:
Copper hydroxide 77% WP

Chemical Copper hydroxide
Structure Formula
 Common Name  
 CAS No 20427-59-2
CAS Name Copper hydroxide (Cu(OH)2)
  Molecular Formula CuH2O2
Agrochemical Type Fungicide, benzimidazole
 Mode of Action Protectant fungicide and bactericide. Deposits must be on the crop before fungal spores begin to germinate.
 Characteristics and Uses For control of Peronosporaceae in vines, hops, and brassicas; Alternaria and Phytophthora in potatoes; Septoria in celery; and Septoria, Leptosphaeria, and Mycosphaerella in cereals, at 2-4 kg/ha or 300-400 g/100 l.
Copper hydroxide 77% WP
 Appearance Flowable suspension liquid
 Content of a.i. ¡Ý77%
 Wetting time ¡Ü60s
 Wet sieve(through 75µm sieve) ¡Ý60%
Suspensibility ¡Ý60%
 pH 7.0~10.5

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