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Chemical:  Thiram
Use category:  Fungicide
Content & formulation:
Thiram 95% TC
Carboxin 200g/L+Thiram 200g/L SC

Chemical Thiram
Structure Formula
 Common Name Thiram (BSI, E-ISO); thirame ((m) F-ISO); TMTD (USSR); thiuram (JMAF)
 CAS No 137-26-8
CAS Name Tetramethylthioperoxydicarbonic diamid
  Molecular Formula C6H12N2S4
Agrochemical Type Fungicide, benzimidazole
 Mode of Action Basic contact fungicide with protective action.
 Characteristics and Uses Protective fungicide applied to foliage to control: Botrytis spp. on grapes, soft fruit, lettuce, vegetables and ornamentals; rust on ornamentals; scab and storage diseases on apples and pears; leaf curl and Monilia on stone fruit. Used in seed treatments alone or in combination with added insecticides or fungicides to control damping-off diseases (e.g. Pythium spp.), and other diseases like Fusarium spp. of maize, cotton, cereals, legumes, vegetables and ornamentals. Also used as a bird repellent.

Carboxin 200g/L+Thiram 200g/LSC
Appearance Flowable suspension liquid
Content of carboxin ¡Ý200g/L
Content of thiram ¡Ý200g/L
Suspensibility of carboxim ¡Ý60%
Suspensibility of thiram ¡Ý60%
Wet sieve (through 75µm sieve) ¡Ý98%
pH   5~8

Thiram 95% TC


Appearance White to cream powder
Content ¡Ý95%
Water solubles   ¡Ü0.7%  
Water ¡Ü1.5%

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